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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I have succumbed to peer pressure...again.

I said I wouldn't do it, I was going to continue life as a non-blogger. I was happy about it. I was told it's fun, its harmless, you'll love it. I suddenly felt like I was in high school again, one little sip won't hurt you. I could hear my grandmother saying if your friends jumped off the side of a mountain would you. Yes Mimi, I jumped.

So here I am with a blog. What do I write? What will my friends want to read? I really don't know but here I go.

Background: It's 11pm and my almost two year old is crawling over me like I am his personal jungle gym while I'm trying to type. The fun of motherhood never stops. It's my fault he is still up and will probably be up until 2 or 3. Oh joy, other night of maybe, if I'm lucky, 3 hours sleep.

My son was recently diagnosed (I guess this is the right word) with having Sensory Integration Dysfunction. The medical/scientific definition for that is "the inefficient neurological processing of information received through the senses, causing problems with learning, development and behavior." In mommy talk he has indigestion of the brain. I am still learning about all of this stuff, some days its very overwhelming but I know the Lord is with me every step of the way and will be there to catch me when I stumble.

So back to the reason he is still awake at now 11:33pm. He was having a very needy yet calm and low key day. He fell asleep at 4:30 (which I should have woken him up immediately) and woke at 6:45. We then went and jumped on the trampoline. For him, that is like a double dose of chocolate while pms'ing for us. Basically really great therapy. We had friends over and he got way over stimulated and now he is attached at the hip and wired up like he just had a double shot of espresso. Fun, fun!

Here my blog will end. I will write again another day. Maybe a story about my daughter who today told me that my booty was way, way bigger than daddy's. I remind myself daily that I prayed to God for her. God has a great sense of humor.


Kelly Ann said...

WELCOME!!! I can't wait to read... Love you!!!

Linsi said...

Yeah you have a blog!! Kids.. they are just so much fun huh~! I am never giving pizza to meghan again after her episode the other night.. I guess that cheese really got to her stomach!

Dorothy said...

Welcome to the blogging world :D

Miss Lisa said...

Welcome to blogging--I just started at the beginning of the new year myself.
I found you from purple tea cup btw :)

Mel said...

Hey Delilah...I have a friend who has twins with sensory integration dysfunction. She's a physical therapist and has some great ideas for helping kids with it.

Purple Teacup said...