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Saturday, September 6, 2008

A boobie story part deux....

This the the second part of the boobie story.

My diagnostic mammogram was scheduled for Wednesday, August 27th at 2:15. On Tuesday I received a call from the scheduler informing me that there was an error with my appointment. Basically, the nice (very old and senile) nurse that was so very impressed with my rack and blinded y my youthful appearance wrote on the sheet Wednesday 8/27 @ 2:15 but scheduled it for Thursday 8/28 @ 11:15. I know what your thinking, simple error anyone could have done it. I rescheduled for Wednesday 9/3 @ 1:30. This was there first available. Obviously there is a high demand to get you boob squashed and felt up these days.

On Tuesday 9/2 I had to re-schedule my appointment again. The office requires you have a drivers license and insurance card and since mine where stolen somewhere between 10pm 9/1 and 8am 9/2 I couldn't make that appointment. Side note someone broke into my husbands car, got the garage door opener used it and broke into my car and stole my purse. Now normally I don't leave my purse in the car, but Tuesday was the first day of school for the kids so I had everything loaded and ready to go the night before. The thieves left everything else in my car (including the two screen portable DVD player that was sitting next to my purse) but they did steal my makeup bag. To add to the fun James was out in the sticks hunting dove and received a lot of messages that went from hysterics to calmly saying were good and I'm at work as he finally got into cellular range. So because of no license no insurance card I re-scheduled again for Friday 9/5 at 2:45.

I got a photo copy of my drivers license from my doctors and took my husbands insurance card (like he ever goes to the doctor to use it, MEN!) and headed to my afternoon of fun. I know I am making light of some very important testing but really its laugh about it or cry so what are you going to do. I am in no way making light of people that have breast cancer or anything. That's my disclaimer. So I am called back and taken to a nice area and told to disrobe from the waist up, use a baby wipe to get rid of any deodorant (and who doesn't wear it in Texas summers!) and put on a beautiful gown with the ties in the front. I do this thinking the Lord that I am not bashful or modest. After two children my goods have been looked at and touched by so many doctors and nurses I don't even care anymore. So the tech takes me in and starts the exam. She positions me in front of this big machine and lifts my boob and places it on a hard flat surface. I then am told to lean in as far as I can and the top part of the machine come down and flattens my boob. I am just saying I believe this machine could have been used as a torture device during the French Revolution. And obviously a man came up with this device and if he had tried it out on his goods the machine would not be here today. So I had a total of four x-rays done on both of my girls. I then sit as they check the films. I am then sent to the ultra sound tech. So after my boob has been flattened like a pancake (something I never thought a DD could do) I had warm gel squeezed on it as another tech ultrasounds my boob. So hears the cool thing. They could not find the lump. They good size lump that my doctor felt and estimated walnut size, that my husband felt and and that I felt was gone. In nineteen days the lump vanished, THANK YOU GOD, THANK YOU FOR ANSWERING PRAYERS, THANK YOU FRIENDS FOR PRAYING! I still have some pain but in no way like it was. The doctors are thinking its all hormonal. Yea hormones. Whatever it is or isn't God healed it and showed me it was in His perfect timing. I wish HE could of spared the purse and makeup but whatever God gives I willingly accept and praise Him for it.

The boobie story has a happy ending and I do love a happy ending!

I will post again soon with pictures and more stuff soon.

Happy blogging!


Jill said...

yea!!!! I'm so happy everything turned out ok!

Lauren said...

Awesome! I'm sooo happy for you guys