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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Yes, I am still alive.....

Ok, so it's been 4 months since I have posted. The delay was caused by two things. One, I got really, really busy. I'll explain the really, really busy later. The second reason is it took almost 4 months to get our Internet to work correctly! What a headache. So, I promise to try and post in a more timely manner!

Here's a quick recap of the last four months.

*Gave a portion of my testimony at my church's women's retreat

*Started attending celebrate recovery at my church.

*Worked with Wyatt and three different therapists multiple times a month

*We had a major storm with tornados ( at the end of my street)

*Mattie played soccer

*Had my 33rd birthday

*Had my 7 year anniversary

*Celebrated Memorial Day, Flag Day and Forth of July

*Went on our first family camping trip

*Wyatt got his first concussion during our first family camping trip

*Mattie finished Pre-K 3 class

*Worked with Wyatt and all his therapists some more

*James and I began working in our kids rooms on Sundays at church

*Found a lump on Mattie's head

*I got a teaching job for the summer at a mother's day out program

*Started school

*Mattie's lump started to grow

*Worked with Wyatt and his therapists some more

*Visited a surgeon and scheduled a date to have Mattie's rapidly growing lump removed

*Still working at school, kids love it

*Had Mattie's lump removed (it's benign)

*All the work with Wyatt paid off and therapists have back down to one visit every other month ( THANK YOU GOD FOR ANSWERING OUR PRAYERS)

*Last day of summer school today

So, its been a busy few months.

Wyatt is doing outstanding. He is saying more words than we can count, his favorite is "nooo aaay mommmma" translated means no way momma. Mattie is healing from surgery, has a small scar and a little patch of hair loss that will grow back. I have a few weeks off before school starts back in the fall. Really we have been enjoying life. Our family has gotten closer and stronger. Our relationship with God has deepened and it's awesome. Things have been going pretty good. So, I will work very hard to post once a week. Hopefully!


Purple Teacup said...


Lauren said...

I always knew this but I thought I would take this oppurtunity to share it now. You are an amazingly strong woman!